

Laser cured red blood to restore the health of the skin, friends are aware that the impact of red blood on the appearance of a very large, smart woman can not tolerate the slightest flaw on the face. What's more, it is an ugly red blood? Here are some ways to treat red blood. Hope to provide some help to my friends.

One way to treat red blood: high power laser pointer treatment of red blood. Laser treatment of red blood irradiation dose should be appropriate, so as to avoid excessive radiation and the formation of scar. Selective photothermal effect by laser laser treatment of red blood capillaries, hemoglobin in the laser energy absorption, coagulation, blocking blood vessels, so that capillary contraction, to achieve the purpose of treatment, treatment process without pain, a few people may be temporary pigmentation, this is a normal reaction to Asian skin, can be completely absorbed.

Treatment of two methods of red blood: photon treatment of red blood. The unique role of intense pulsed light on the skin tissue, photothermal and photochemical effect, to enhance the function of blood vessel tissue, improve circulation, co existence of these roles so that the skin collagen formation, organization structure, produces a smooth, narrow pores, fine lines and wrinkles, skin elasticity and gloss, irregular pigment stain and other skin problems have been simultaneously treatment.

Treatment of red blood method three: color light to red blood. Color light can expand the blood vessel closed, so no longer have blood flow through, a treatment can eliminate the face of red. If the special thick red blood according to the circumstances of the specified course of treatment. Light color to red blood through the skin tissues by using photonic pigment and its vascular preferred absorption, without damaging the normal skin, blood coagulation, pigments and pigment cell destruction, decomposition, achieve the treatment of telangiectasia, facial flushing and rosacea effect.

The above is the detailed introduction to the method of expert treatment of red blood, although a lot of laser 10mw methods of treatment of red blood, but experts suggest friends selection method for the treatment of red blood must according to their own situation to choose the most suitable method for treatment at the same time, must choose the regular medical beauty hospital, so that it can truly be the assurance of safety and effectiveness.



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